Kolkata has been hit by a mass production of artificial eggs, allegedly made of plastic, which has led to the Kolkata Municipal Corporation to order an investigation into it. The case of artificial eggs in Kolkata came into light after a woman filed a police complaint. Anita Kumar discovered the eggs were artificial when she cracked open a few of the fake eggs. The Kolkata Municipal Corporation has ordered an investigation into the alleged sale of artificial eggs made of "plastic" in the city's markets, the KMC mayor said on Thursday. The civic body has asked police and municipal officials to check all municipal markets flooded with artificial eggs in Kolkata. "These eggs are being sold in the Tiljala market. As soon as I got to know about the complaint, I let the police know so that we can carry out checks of all municipal markets. I have also received some documentary evidence," said KMC Mayor Sovan Chatterjee. According to Anita Kumar, the ...
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