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It is said that ''For a Nice Shot You Need a Good Eye and One Good Finger''.
Making my topic crystal clear I would dare you counting, how many fingers you actually have??? 9, 10, 11 or 12. Well the right answer is '11'. Let's count'em<> 10...9...8...7... 6 + 5= 11 Got it.
Just kidding πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘
Let's go a little deeper and check out the names of different fingers that we may be unaware of, but worth knowing in order to articulate our speech and make delivered words pretty worthy to listen to.

1. Index Finger (Bullying me)
=> Arrow Finger
=> Demonstrator
=> Index
=> Insignitor
=> Lickpot
=> Pointer
=> Pointer Finger
=> Forefinger
=> Pointling
=> Showing Finger
=> Teacher
=> Trigger Finger
=>Digitus Secundus

2.Middle Finger (Ever used it??? So The busiest ever,,,, o yeah)
=> Digit III or Third Digit
=> Fuck Finger
=> Tallman
=>Digitus Medius
=>Digitus Tertius

3. Ring Finger (Ohh I lost my wedding ring)
=> Digit IV or Forth finger
=> Gold Finger
=> Leech Finger
=> Marriage Finger
=> Medical Finger
=> Medicinal Finger
=> Medicinable Finger
=> Physic Finger
=> Phisical Finger
=> Physician Finger
=> Ring Man
=> Wedding Finger

4. Little Finger (A nice excuse to escape, not one?)
=> Auricular
=> Digit V
=> Ear Finger
=> Fourth Digit
=> Fourth Finger
=> Mercurial Finger
=> Pinkie
=> Pinkie Finger

5. Thumb (Thanks buddy; or no smartphone would ever exist)
=> Pollex
=> Digit I or First Digit
=> Thumby
=> Texty

Time for a couple of interesting facts guys

  • Thumb is sometimes not considered as a finger(ille-ille)πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘.
  • Congenital Disorder can make you an owner of more or less than 10 fingers in your palm. (Remember i said it in the beginning or ask Hritik Roshan!)πŸ’‚πŸ’‚
  •  The middle Finger is often used for showing offensive attitude or an abusive symbol (Virat Kohli is a good guy indeed πŸ˜†πŸ˜†).
  • 38 bones combinely give your finger a shape....the same have your toes(Equality and Fraternity)πŸšΆπŸ‘.
  • Vena Amoris; the vein in our Ring finger is directly connected to our heart. That's why Engagement Ring is worn in that(Hey!!! must have a comfortable one)πŸ’πŸ’.
  • Julius Caesar ordered the thumb of all prisoners to be cut off(Democracy is better I think)πŸ‘ΌπŸ™….
  • If you are a Male you have longer Ring Fingers. got Longer pointers (no offense)πŸ‘«.
  • The least used is the Index Finger (If ever have to cut off..choose this one)☝.


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