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Dear friends, how many of you suppose to read others mind and do it successfully?
Very less of you right! So you believe in superpowers, like introspecting one's mind and telling most relevant things occurring in one's life?
This is interesting to know here that almost all of us definitely know some personalities around us who is good at this, and have influenced us to believe their mastery absolutely or partially.
Before we start let me surprise you with what I have got about you today. Read between the lines stocking entire calmness and peace inside your mind and ponder whether you experience it or not. (Take a long breath and relax first)
I'm glad you've come to this session and I can see you've things that are troubling you because I'm receiving strong signals from you. I can feel how important your existence is in this world and how nicely you receive the energies of the Mother Nature from your surroundings. I sense that the things you really want out of life sometimes seem unrealistic and you often wonder whether you can achieve them. I also sense that at time you are friendly, social and outgoing to others, but that at other times you're withdrawn, reserved and cautious. You take pride in being an independent thinker but also know not to accept what you see and hear from others, without proof. You like change and variety but become restless if controlled by restrictions and routine. You want to share your innermost feelings with those closest to you but have found it unwise to be too open and revealing. A person in your life with the initial 'S' is exerting a strong influence over you right now. In the next two or three weeks you are going to get a very very lovely proposal by that 'S'.
While you appear disciplined and controlled on the outer side, you tend to be concerned and worried on the inside and at times you wonder whether or not you have made the right choice or decision. 
I know you are really impressed with this piece of introspective vision. But before you rise any type of question inside your mind let me clear out that, "Not 100% but 60%-80% of the text written above seem very close and explainatory to almost everyone's life", this is said by a great psychologist. Do you feel yourself cheated now and me a cheater cock? Pardon the writer for this spell but as a matter of fact, thousands of people around us are screwed in the same manner, where trickery always superimposing the actual practice.
Mind Reading is not a big deal, and a man in streat can perform this art with much practice.
Nobody will forbit you to get knowledge if Mind and Body reading fascinates you. You must go through some good books to streamline your hidden talent for a noble cause, because mind is meant to be trained. You can try this for fun too and this will work for sure.
This blog somewhere expresses the personal experience and nowhere condemns the professionals linked with this domain. I hope you would have enjoyed reading it.
"Human beings have got Wisdom, something that has made them the hero of this earth, but every misuse of their sagacity will drag them close to the doom".


Unknown said…
Nice information, visiting myblog too..
Unknown said…
I found it interesting, and i think i must try this in our GS grouping so that u guys may unable to answer my questions, as i would hv read ur minds.
anyway, it was a good illustration. all the best
Anonymous said…
good write
Anonymous said…
Great work Jainendra Jha
Anonymous said…
So now i can read your mind now hmm...
Nice post by the way admin😊😊

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